
National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage rates from 1st April 2024
The hourly rate for the minimum wage depends on your age and whether you’re an apprentice.

This page is also available in Welsh (Cymraeg).

You must be at least:

school leaving age to get the National Minimum Wage
aged 23 to get the National Living Wage - the minimum wage will still apply for workers aged 22 and under
From 1 April 2024, workers aged 21 and over will be entitled to the National Living Wage.

                       21 and over        18 to 20         Under 18         Apprentice

April 2024          £11.44               £8.60            £6.40              £6.40

Apprentices are entitled to the apprentice rate if they’re either:


An apprentice aged 21 in the first year of their apprenticeship is entitled to a minimum hourly rate of £5.28.

Apprentices are entitled to the minimum wage for their age if they both:


An apprentice aged 21 who has completed the first year of their apprenticeship is entitled to a minimum hourly rate of £10.18.


National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage rates from 1st April 2023
The hourly rate for the minimum wage depends on your age and whether you’re an apprentice.

This page is also available in Welsh (Cymraeg).

You must be at least:

Current rates

These rates are for the National Living Wage (for those aged 23 and over) and the National Minimum Wage (for those of at least school leaving age). The rates change on 1 April every year.

                                        23 and over      21 to 22      18 to 20      Under 18      Apprentice

April 2022 (current rate)     £9.50               £9.18          £6.83             £4.81             £4.81
April 2023                           £10.42             £10.18          £7.49             £5.28             £5.28



Apprentices are entitled to the apprentice rate if they’re either:


An apprentice aged 21 in the first year of their apprenticeship is entitled to a minimum hourly rate of £4.81.

Apprentices are entitled to the minimum wage for their age if they both:


An apprentice aged 21 who has completed the first year of their apprenticeship is entitled to a minimum hourly rate of £9.18.


1st April 2022 - New National Minimum Wage applies

The NLW and NMW rates from 1 April 2022 are:

                                       Rate from April 2022      Current rate (April 2021 to March 2022)       Increase
National Living Wage     £9.50                                £8.91                                                                 6.6%
21-22 Year Old Rate      £9.18                                 £8.36                                                                9.8%
18-20 Year Old Rate      £6.83                                £6.56                                                                 4.1%
16-17 Year Old Rate       £4.81                                 £4.62                                                                 4.1%
Apprentice Rate             £4.81                                 £4.30                                                                 11.9%
Accommodation Offset £8.70                                £8.36                                                                  4.1%


All the details are on the government website here.


1st April 2020 - New National Minimum Wage applies

National Living Wage applies to people aged 25 and over = £8.72

National Minimum Wage for ages 21 to 24 = £8.20

National Minimum Wage for ages 18 to 20 = £6.45

National Minimum Wage for ages Under 18 = £4.55

National Minimum Wage for Apprentices = £4.15

Apprentices are entitled to the apprentice rate if they’re either:

Apprentices are entitled to the minimum wage for their age if they both:

More details about the National Living Wage and National Minimum Wage can be found on the website.


1st April 2019 - New National Minimum Wage applies

National Living Wage applies to people aged 25 and over = £8.21

National Minimum Wage for ages 21 to 24 = £7.70

National Minimum Wage for ages 18 to 20 = £6.15

National Minimum Wage for ages Under 18 = £4.35

National Minimum Wage for Apprentices = £3.90

Apprentices are entitled to the apprentice rate if they’re either:

Apprentices are entitled to the minimum wage for their age if they both:

More details about the National Living Wage and National Minimum Wage can be found on the website.


September 2018: Index of Employed Workers by Age


The figure shows that the strongest employment growth between January 2006 and July 2018 has been for those aged 65 years and older, followed by those aged 50 to 64 years and 25 to 34 years.

The number of people aged 65 years and older who were in employment more than doubled between January 2006 and July 2018, from 607,000 to 1.26 million. The same age group had an employment rate of 6.6% in 2006 and this increased to 10.7% in the three months to July 2018.

There are several reasons for the increase in the employment of people who are 65 years and older. The reasons include:

National Minimum Wage from April 2018

National Minimum Wage 2018

You can find more details about the national Minimum Wage on the website here.

Jobs Fair at Cheltenham Job Centre: September 2017 had a stand a the Cheltenham Jobs Centre Jobs Fair recently and met hundreds of local job seekers, to tell them about the website and to get feedback on the website. There are currently around 1,000 people claiming Job Seekers Allowance in Cheltenham and it was a well organised jobs fair with a good range of employers present offering jobs there and then. 

Jobs Fair Cheltenham Job Centre

The Cheltenham Jobs Fair was opened by Kevan Blackadder, the head of the Cheltenham BID, who explained that there is a local scheme to train potential employees so they are ready to walk into town centre retail jobs when the vacancies arise and to have a bank of retail ready potential employees.

Jobs Fair opened by Kevan Blackadder

The recruitment day was well attended and had been promoted by GlosJobs and the Cheltenham Job Centre. Several people commented that they came becasue they had seen the event on GlosJobs, which was good!

Busy Cheltenham Job Centre Jobs Fair

Office for National Statistics UK Labour Market Report: October 2016

The Office for National Statistics publishes a bulletin on their website monthly and the latest one was published on 19th October 2016.

Between March to May 2016 and June to August 2016, the number of people in work and the number of unemployed people increased. The number of people not working and not seeking or available to work (economically inactive) fell.
There were 749,000 national job vacancies for July to September 2016. This was little changed (up 2,000) compared with April to June 2016 and up slightly (9,000) compared with a year earlier.

On, we advertised 9,302 vacancies in the same time period.

Actual Hours Worked For June to August 2016:
People working full-time worked, on average, 37.4 hours per week in their main job, down slightly compared with March to May 2016 but virtually unchanged compared with a year earlier.
People working part-time worked, on average, 16.1 hours per week in their main job. More details here.

Average Weekly Earnings For August 2016 in nominal terms (that is, not adjusted for price inflation):
Average regular pay (excluding bonuses) for employees in Great Britain was £474 per week before tax and other deductions from pay, up from £463 per week for a year earlier.
Average total pay (including bonuses) for employees in Great Britain was £504 per week before tax and other deductions from pay, up from £494 per week for a year earlier. More details here.

Full details of Office for National Statistics UK Labour Market Report can be found here.


Survey Response April 2016

We asked our email subscribers how they mostly access and they responded!

The results of the survey are below. It is interesting that the results show exactly 50% on phone and table and 50% on computer.

Media Release - 14 January 2016

Growth in confidence by employers reflected by 2015 GlosJobs figures

Figures released this week by the popular employment website, reveal a new high in the number of job vacancies advertised across the county in the past year. 

A rise of 24% in the number of jobs posted in 2015 reflects an overall rise in recruitment and an increase in small businesses taking on additional staff, according to GlosJobs Director Belinda Wilson.

Belinda says: “We advertised 37,145 jobs in 2015 in comparison to 29,905 in 2014 and 23,867 in 2013.  This is good news, which I consider a sign of growing confidence exhibited by county businesses.

“In 2015, 667 companies started advertising with on These include number of larger corporate companies but the majority are smaller businesses looking to expand and some are sole traders taking on their first employee.”

“We believe the continued success of GlosJobs comes down to offering good value for money and making it as easy as possible for the advertiser to list a role and the jobseeker to apply.”

In 2015, GlosJobs logged 1,346,281 visits from 483,551 users and received 12,730,372 page views.

With a population of Gloucestershire is 858,300 (2011 census), the figures suggest that over 56% of people living in the county visited in 2015.

Since was founded in 2001, the site has advertised over 352,000 roles for almost 3,600 Gloucestershire employers.

Belinda was awarded The Gloucestershire Entrepreneur's Business Award 2015 at the inaugural Gloucestershire Business Show for ‘pioneering and delivering a sustainable business model,’ as well as for her work in founding community group, Cheltenham Connect.  Belinda became a Gloucestershire Ambassador in 2012.


28th July 2015 - GlosJobs Limited signed up to to the Prompt Payment Code

News! As from today, GlosJobs Limited have been accepted as signatories to the Prompt Payment Code, so expect to see this logo on our websites and literature going forwards.

If you would like to join up, you can do so You will need to supply your business details and five referees to whom you make regualr payments and can vouch for the pact that you are a prompt payer.


9th January 2015 - Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister, came to Gloucester to sign the Growth Deal for Gloucestershire, confirming that the government will invest £62.5 million in Gloucestershire.

Up to 5,000 jobs will be created as a result of the Growth Deal and up to £40 million in public - private inverstment within Gloucestershire.

Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister, signed the agreement with Diane Savory OBE, who is chair of GFirst LEP (Local Enterprise Partnership) with Chief Executive David Owen and Board Members Roman Cooper, Adam Starkey and Councillor Mark Hawthorne, Leader of Gloucestershire County Council in attendance. director, Belinda Wilson, is a GFirst LEP ambassador for Gloucestershire and said "I am pleased to see the government committing to invest in Gloucestershire businesses and planning to grow the investment in the county. If we really can generate 5,000 new jobs in the area, then it will be good for the whole area."

GFirst LEP has worked in partnership with the private, public and voluntary sectors to present the best possible case for investment in the county, which was rewarded by Government with Gloucestershire being the only LEP to receive the full funding requested  in its business plan for the county.

The Gloucestershire Growth Deal will deliver a range of exciting projects, including the services of the newly opened Growth Hub at the University of Gloucestershire’s Oxstalls Campus in Gloucester being available countywide through Growth Hub spokes, the GREEN project at the former Berkeley power station, further development of the Growth Zone on the M5 corridor, and delivery of some key transport projects across Gloucestershire.

The Growth Deal for Gloucestershire agreement, comes hot of the heels of the confirmation from the government that they will be spending tens of millions of pounds on the A417 between Birdlip and Nettleton Bottom, which is an unsafe bottleneck on the route from Gloucestershire to the South East. When the road is improved, transport from the county, for private and business travel, wil be significantly improved.

More details about the signing of the Growth Deal for Gloucestershire:


22nd December 2014 - 50% of businesses are planning to expand their workforce in 2015, according to the Confederation of British Industry (CBI)

The summary of the report is below.

To see full details please visit:


National Minimum Wage from 1st October 2014

NMW rates from 1 October 2014

£6.50 for workers 21 and over
£5.13 18 - 20 yrs
£3.79 for 16-17 yrs, who are above school leaving age but under 18
£2.73 for apprentices under 19 or 19 or over who are in the first year of apprenticeship.

It is important to note that these rates, which come into force 1 October 2014, apply to pay reference periods beginning on or after that date.


19th February 2014 - Gloucestershire job board breaks vacancy records

Press Release picked up by BBC Radio Gloucestershire, Cotswold Journal, GFirstLEP and Cheltenham Chamber of Commerce

A record number of jobseekers and new vacancies gave a Gloucestershire job board a hectic start to the year, latest figures reveal. saw 121,282 visits and 2,326 new job adverts uploaded in January 2014 – at the same time as the UK unemployment rate fell to 7.1%.(i)

Belinda Wilson, director of and GFirst LEP Ambassador for Gloucestershire, said more businesses are expanding to cover skills shortages while retaining valuable existing employees.

“Confidence appears higher and is no doubt boosted by recent economic headlines, with more people searching for jobs and more vacancies being posted,” she said.

“With optimism and confidence come new opportunities to flourish, and with unemployment rates falling this is excellent news for the county.”

One growing business is Cheltenham-based SOHO Coffee Co. which has 32 outlets across the UK and internationally. It recently filled a high profile vacancy through, with Head of Food Dom Pelling bringing in Marcin Birula as Distribution & Facilities Manager.

“We are in an exciting period of growth and as we continue to expand our business it is ever more important to have the right people in place. Glosjobs has been helping us find great people from within the local community for years now and we are delighted to have found another excellent candidate through them,” Dom Pelling said.

Marcin Birula said: “This job is exactly what I was looking for and it was really easy to apply through I am very much looking forward to the challenge of helping to make great things happen for Soho Coffee Co. in 2014.”

Belinda Wilson, director of, added: “SOHO Coffee Co. is an excellent example of a successful, local, independent business which has long been one of our best clients, so we’re delighted to see its workforce being strengthened.” has been helping Gloucestershire’s employers find the right employees since it was launched in 2001. It has had 288,026 job adverts uploaded in that time and now has more than 2,700 advertisers.

For more information please visit

i  There were 121,282 visits to from 55,338 unique users in January 2014, compared to 120,318 visits from 52,698 users in January 2013. There were 2,326 new adverts uploaded by employers compared to 2,157 uploaded in January 2013. (source:
(Unemployment rate source: labour market statistics released by the Office of National Statistics, January 2013).

Thank you to Andrew Rea at Redtarn PR & Events for arranging the PR.


31st January 2014 - Great mention on Facebook in the #GlosBiz group

On Facebook, there is a group full of Gloucestershire businesses called GlosBiz: In this group local business people share advice, ideas and questions. We try to be active in the group to help other people and today have noticed this post from another regular contributor Tony Bowden from Smart Communications SW Ltd.

You can't ask for much more than that for public recognition of GlosJobs and what we are trying to do for our clients. Thank you to Tony for the great feedback!


1st October 2013 - National Minimum Wage Rates from today

The government has approved the new National Minumum Wage rates for the hourly wage from 1st October 2013.


18th April 2013 - Unemployment Figures for Gloucestershire

In March 2013, unemployment in Gloucestershire fell by 250 to 10,267, a rate of 2.7% of the population.

The figures show that 753 fewer people are unemployed than at the same time last year: According to the Office of National Statistics.


12th April 2013 - GlosJobs Stand at Stroud Jobs Fair

On 12th April 2013, GlosJobs had a stand at the Stroud Jobs Fair in the Subscription Rooms. We have just received the following information from Kevin Holland at TABS Training who arranged the day.

"I want to thank you all for coming on Friday and making a difference to the Stroud community by helping the local population with opportunities and career advice.

The event had 28 organisations and approximately 350-400 candidates in attendance. I would hope that we have all inspired these attending jobseekers towards employment and career advancement.

We have managed to raise more money for charity than last year. After room hire and refreshment costs, we have raised £140.00 for Help for Heroes, which has already been donated to the charity, supporting servicemen and women recovering from life changing injuries sustained in the line of duty."



22nd March 2013 - Congratulations to GlosJobs Client Expectations Recruitment Services

Expectations Recruitment in Business of the Year AwardAt the Gloucestershire Echo Women in Business Awards last night, we were very pleased to see one of our long standing clients win the "Business of the Year" award. 

Expectations started advertising all their vacancies on GlosJobs in 2005, just a couple of years after the business was founded. Since then, they have advertised hundreds of role with us and gone from strength to strength. Recently they opened a new office in Gloucester, so now have Cheltenham and Gloucester covered.

It is very encouraging to see an independent, Gloucestershire business win such an accolade for what they are doing.

Well done Victoria and Jo!




15th March 2013 - Great new video testimonial from Ellenborough Park Hotel

We are now filming videos for our clients and it is very encouraging to receive the following comments about the new service.

"We were really impressed with the personal attention that Belinda and Martin took to ensure our video met all our expectations. They both spent a lot of time getting to know our team and finding out what Ellenborough Park is all about.

We were overwhelmed with the final video and thought it was excellent value for money. It is nearing 300 views on You Tube which is great!"

Gemma Philpott, HR Manager, Ellenborough Park Hotel & Spa

View the Ellenborough Park video here


11th March 2013 - New developments on the website!

Have you noticed a couple of new functions on that have appeared in the last week or so?

No? Well, let me point them out to you.

1. You can now email yourself yourself, or anyone else, a copy of any advert. Simply click on the link on the right hand side of the page "Email yourself a copy of this job". You then put in your email address twice (making sure it is correct) and fill in the 4 letters on the capcha then click "Send Email". You will have the details of the advert stored in your inbox.

2. You can now share any advert on social media. At the bottom of every advert, you can choose to share details on your Facebook, Twitter, Linked In and Google+ account. YOu can even use this function to Tweet details of an advert to a friedn who might be interested.

Do give both new functions a try and let us know what you think! Please email with feedback.


28th February 2013 - Currently running 1,974 job adverts for vacancies in Gloucestershire

We have just checked the number of adverts that are currently listed on There are 1,974 adverts running. At the end of November, we were running 1,552, which means there is a net increase of 422 adverts being promoted now, compared to three months ago.


27th February 2013 - Out Filming a New Video for a Client

Videoing for GlosJobsOn Thursday 27th February 2013, we went to film a new client video for Charnwood House Nursing Home. We   started by taking extrernal shots and then went on to interview Janet Morris, Activity Co-ordinator.

We also took lots of footage of the visiting hairdresser, kitchen, lounge and other areas of the home.

The video will be uploaded shortly, so do look out for it.

If you would like to see the videos that we have already shot, please go to our video page.













25th February 2013 - The News Page

We are pleased to announce that we now have a "News" page on, so do keep an eye on here for details of what we are up to, now and in the future. We will post when we have something interesting to report.

For example, did you know that we had a record month in January 2013? We logged 120,318 visits and 1,565,288 pageviews. 

(Source: Google Analytics)